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·[图文]2011第12届中国国际机电产品博览会 点击679次
·[图文]砂尘试验箱生产厂商,提供试验设备,沈阳林频 点击611次
·[组图]东北三省高温试验箱-沈阳林频实验设备有限公司 点击993次
·[推荐]范儿,全国展会礼仪模特服务供应商 点击531次
·[注意]2011年 第3届深圳国际佛事((水晶,玉石,珠宝)用品展览会 点击577次
·[组图]超低宣传成本,超高宣传效果!心动不如行动,赶紧来吧! 点击595次
·[注意]远程控制器 点击540次
·[推荐]防水灾远程报警系统(太阳能) 点击508次
·[推荐]铁塔安全监控报警系统 点击558次
·[图文]电力变压器安全监控防盗系统(专利产品、国内唯一电力安全监控防盗通过3C认证产品) 点击520次
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·北京外籍模特公司 点击1068次
·[图文]领秀模特机构招商合作 点击797次
·[组图]大连吉林长春哈尔滨高低温交变湿热试验箱,尽在沈阳林频是您的不二选择 点击501次
·[图文]大连吉林长春哈尔滨盐雾试验箱,尽在沈阳林频是您的不二选择 点击479次
·[注意]JA-110GJD接地安全监控报警系统 点击570次
·[推荐]买低温试验箱/低温测量仪首选沈阳林频 点击465次
·[图文]郑州艾玛格桁架批发租赁 点击1329次
·[图文]苏州公务公司苏州公关服务苏州品牌策划苏州商业演出找润天 点击954次
·[注意]展览、会议、活动、舞台搭建 点击873次
·[推荐]展会酒店预定 点击1358次
·[推荐]组团参加2011法国巴黎建材展BATIMAT/法国建材展/六天超值优惠价20800元 点击474次
·[图文]买温度冲击试验机哪里好—沈阳林频02483503936 点击586次
·[图文]上海体育休闲广场展览中心 点击468次
·[推荐]2011中国(南京)国际汽车旅游度假展览会—-中国(南京)国际休博会主题展 点击618次
·[推荐]2011南京国际户外家具及休闲用品展览会—中国南京休博会 点击463次
·[图文]2011品牌授权展展商入驻超过三分之二,品牌报展数再创新高 点击460次
·[推荐]印度教育技术展 中东教育技术展 澳大利亚教育技术展 点击634次
·[推荐]荷兰视听展 荷兰视听设备展 荷兰视听展 点击234次
·[推荐]美国家庭用品展芝加哥家庭用品展 芝加哥消费品展 美国消费品展 点击205次
·[推荐]美国电子展 美国CES电子展 美国消费电子展 德国电子展 俄罗斯电子展 点击166次

来源:原创 发布时间:2011-7-13 16:16:49 浏览次数:166




一、 Product Lines Review & Sourcing Meeting 大型产品采购定货会


Sinew Expo is able to provide all kinds of exhibition venues (ranging from 600 m2 to 6000 m2) for big buyers to host products sourcing meetings with each venue well-equipped with logistics, electrical, telecom, lighting and air-con services and support. You will only need to confirm your meeting time and arrange merchandisers participation, then leave the others coordination and arrangement work to our experienced service team. Your sourcing meeting can commence immediately once the suppliers arrive with their products. Our security will strictly guard your spaces and our execution and engineering team will be on standby during your event to make sure the event runs smoothly uninterrupted.




二、 Business Meetings & Activities 各类商务会议、展览、活动、特卖会


Sinew Expo business meetings facilities includes 7 premium quality meeting rooms come in different sizes and complete with all kinds of supporting facilities like amplifier system, projector & projection screen, meeting tables & chairs and etc.




Besides common business meeting events, the meeting rooms are also utilized by many buyers for activities like New Resource Review, Suppliers Training, Brand Releases and etc.




三、 Private Buy Meeting 供应商见面会


Sourcing work can be very complicated and tiring especially when the volume is big, product categories are wide and especially when the vendors are in different location. In order to make your merchandisers sourcing activities more effective and efficient, Sinew expo has allocated some temporary showrooms for buyers to utilize in a buying event. These showrooms are made available with exhibition equipments like racks for product display and the rooms are lockable for security and safety. Buyers who organize this event will only need to confirm the meeting time and let the suppliers to approach our professional buyer service team to arrange their display room in accordance to their requirements. With the gathering of all suppliers in one location, your merchandisers will be able to organize and plan the meetings in a more efficient and timely manner.








联系人:付先生 13585867372






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